Tuesday, December 3, 2013

City- wide Conference Sponsored by the Radio Ministry

In the month of Novemer we held a three day conference in a rented auditorium in the city.  The subject was "The Supremacy of Christ Over Sex".  Each night of the conference ran two and a half hours.
The purpose was to raise our level of holiness in the area of sexuality. This is an urgent and serious need in the lives of many believers so we are trying to address the issue.  Frankly, I have heard many messages on the topic which produced a lot laughter, but little holiness.  We aimed for the opposite believing sex is sacred and should be handled accordingly.

Hours and hours of preparation and hard work are never seen.  Our associate pastor, Edward, did a great job organizing the event.

We charged a small fee to cover the cost of the auditorium, materials, refreshments and other expenses.  Two days before the event, there was no more vacancy and we had to turn people away.  The auditorium only held approximately 290 people.

We had a great team of volunteers from our church helping.

They worked hard and had a lot of fun serving.  Not all our helpers are in this picture.

Interest was high and the Word helped a lot of people.  The Bible is so practical.  God is a great author.  But he doesn't need our approval or recommendation!

There was a lot of interest in our materials that we provide from the radio ministry.

Afterward, we were bombarded with questions and people who desired counsel.  At the radio office, we offer counseling and three pastors from other sister churches help us with the counseling.

It is our prayer that the teaching made the appropriate impact for the glory of Christ.  We plan to have more conferences over important topics and specific sections of the Scripture.

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